[Eng Sub] 20150210 The Musical magazine photo shoot and interview (with Choi Jae Woong)


Back in October 2014, Ji Chang Wook was featured along with his “The Days” co-star Choi Jae Woong in “The Musical” magazine. So it comes as rather strange and surprising to see a behind-the-scenes video of them at the photo shoot being released many months later.

Just some background to help newcomers understand the context of the interview…there are several actors starring as Jung Hak and Mu Yeong in the musical at the same time. Choi Jae Woong starred as Mu Yeong during the first run of the musical in 2013, meaning he did not get to act with Ji Chang Wook back then despite starring in the same production, since they were playing the same characters and only one Mu Yeong can appear in each performance. In the 2014 re-run, some changes were made to the cast, whereby Choi returned as Jung Hak and finally got to act along with Ji Chang Wook, who reprised his role as Mu Yeong.

The interview was also done when they had just started performing the re-run of “The Days”, so much of the content is rather irrelevant today. But we still get to see Ji Chang Wook looking smexy (and playful), so no complaints!

Click CC for English subs.
Subtitles may contain inaccuracies due to poor audio quality (or my poor hearing ability 😛 ).

Also some Korean terms in the video that may appear unfamiliar to some…”MT” is what Koreans use to describe a class/company outing to promote team bonding. They also mention a game called “Yi Gu Dong Seong”, which is a game whereby a few people each say a different word from a short phrase at the same time, and the other person has to guess what the phrase is (example).

You get what I'm saying??

You get what I’m saying??

All right, never mind if you don’t understand any of my ramblings. Just stare at his face and enjoy.

About Gabby

In Singapore

6 thoughts on “[Eng Sub] 20150210 The Musical magazine photo shoot and interview (with Choi Jae Woong)

  1. Ahh i waited for this BTS video for months…didn’t expect them to release it either. What a great surprise! Well, thank you so much for the translation!! 🙂

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