[CF] Ji Chang Wook warms up with AMH 2016 Fall/Winter collection

AMH is not resting on its laurels either when it comes to Ji Chang Wook’s promotions for its own 2016 Fall/Winter clothing collection.  We have the results here, plus a short behind-scenes video from the photoshoot.  Take a look!


Credit:  AMH Weibo; Taobao Mall

About cherkell

Left Coast Otaku and Chicago Expat, successfully mangling both the Japanese and Korean languages at the same time. Devoted Ji Chang Wook Follower since 2007; proof positive at jichangwookkitchen.com. Fangirl Squeeeeeing Nightly; No Cover Charge.

3 thoughts on “[CF] Ji Chang Wook warms up with AMH 2016 Fall/Winter collection

  1. Thank you Cherkell! Great start to my weekend!

    Always so very very happy when JCW photo shoots are posted. JCW in all his imperial cuteness. The short video is a huge bonus! What did JCW say though? Something to do with his makeup? (just guessing) But watching that short video clip..it strikes me that being a model is really really tough work. JCW..you’re working really hard. Thank you!

  2. wow thanks for the pictures! he is so gorgeous and takes beautiful pictures! there is something about him~

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